I may be generous, but I am also a bit of a procrastinator. I find myself shopping for these big events the day before they occur. That is why I like the daily deals websites; I can check them out anytime and there will be a wide range of items for sale. I just order the best gift; have the company overnight it to me, and the next day I am ready to give. Even with the cost of overnight shipping, I still save money when I compare the same items at retail stores.

Making a call to a toll-free number is nothing new. You probably do it everyday. Toll-free numbers are popular with businesses because it is an easy way for their customers to reach them. Toll free numbers can do the same thing new tech gadgets you and keeping in touch with loved ones.
Don't underestimate ice. It's lousy if you're trying to drive on it, but it's a godsend when you need to cool down quickly. Ice cubes work great. Hold one to your pulse points; your wrist, inside your elbow, on back of your knee, or the back of your neck. If you hold it in a washcloth, you won't have that irritating "melt" running down your back or leg. If your hot flash attacks at the office, head Unique gadget gift ideas for tech enthusiasts the soda machine and use the cold can on your pulse points instead of the ice. Every little bit helps.
And many Web 2.0 Innovative new tech gadgets to watch out for are either free or very low cost. All the social networking sites have free accounts (some have paid upgrades, but it's still low). Podcasting can be free (or you can pay a very low fee to do the recording via the phone). Blogging can be free. You get the picture.
If your son still transports himself around on a skateboard, then he is sure to love the Caster Board. This is a gift that is in between being a mode of transport and some old school style of fun. For youngsters with a penchant for extreme sports, these would make a great skill to acquire.
It is key to figure out how to get yourself in the right mind-set. Prepare by finding the walking and hiking niches that best suit you. Try to make walking a priority in your life in some form or another. Try to make decisions with best interests of the whole world in mind. We can derive so many positives from walking and it really should be incorporated more heavily into our everyday lives. Stay in touch with nature, you will not be disappointed. Time to start improving ourselves and the world a few steps at a time.